Wednesday 9 July 2014

Surrogacy - How does surrogacy work?

Surrogacy, simply, is a procedure in which the pregnancy is carried by someone else, and not the mother herself. The woman, who carries the baby for the couple, is known as the surrogate mother.

When Is Surrogacy Needed?


It is usually done in a situation where the mother’s body does not have a hospitable environment for the baby. This can be due to different reasons like a malformed or a totally absent womb, and repeated failure in the in-vitro fertilisation treatment. Surrogacy, in normal cases, is never recommended because of issues other than medical ones. Some women prefer to have a baby through surrogacy because of their professions, but it should be realised that surrogacy should be taken up only if there is an actual need for it, medically.

The Different surrogacies


There are two types of surrogacies: Full (or Gestational) surrogacy and Half (or Partial) Surrogacy.

In a Gestational Surrogacy, there are three possibilities. 
1. The egg and the sperm, both from the parents, are implanted in the surrogate.
2. The sperm of the father is implanted with a donor egg.
3. Both the egg and the sperm are donated, and the baby is carried by the surrogate.

Basically, in this kind of surrogacy, the surrogate mother does not have any genetic impact on the baby. 

The second kind, the Half or Partial Surrogacy, involves the fertilisation of the egg from the surrogate mother, by the sperm from the father. In this kind, the baby will, obviously, have the surrogate mother’s traits. There are two methods of carrying out fertilisation in this procedure- Artificial Insemination or Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI). 

Choosing a Surrogate


If you have been advised to take up surrogacy, by a doctor, the next step is to choose a suitable carrier. The agency, through which you are planning to do this, will help you make the right choice. The time taken for this depends of various factors. Once a suitable carrier is chosen, based on the forms of different carriers, you will be made to meet her in person. It is recommended for the couple to choose a surrogate mother who doesn’t put up too far.

How Does It Happen?


In case of a gestational surrogacy, the first step is the retrieval of the egg from the donor, or the actual mother. Ovulation is triggered using drugs and usually more than one egg is retrieved, to increase chances of fertilisation. After that, the sperms from the father or the donor are used to fertilise the eggs. The implantation in the surrogate takes place at the embryo level. 
In case of a partial surrogacy, the surrogate is given fertility drugs and monitored for healthy eggs. The sperm from the father is then introduced, using artificial insemination or IUI. 

Factors That Affect Surrogacy

Surrogacy Factors
There are many factors that affect the rate of success in a surrogacy.

1. Firstly, the surrogate should be able to get pregnant, and have a good environment for the growth of the baby. This will depend upon her age, too.
2. Secondly, if the egg is taken from a donor, her age would also affect the fertilisation process.
3. Thirdly, all the medical procedures, like IVF and IUI, done as a part of the surrogacy, should also be done with great care to ensure their success. Failure at one step would mean failure at all of them.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Problems That May Arise During and After IVF Treatment

ivf- treatment
IVF- Treatment

Apart from risks arising during the IVF treatment period, there can be some other problems linked with it. You might know about certain risks like that of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHHS), ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, multiple births and other risks like those during egg retrieval and embryo transfer.


There are some other problems that might occur after the onset of the procedure.

  1.     Drug Effects
  2.  Failure of the Treatment
  3.    Ovarian and Breast Cancer
  4.   Emotional and Psychological effects
  5.       Birth Defects and Health of the child


Drug effects: Fertility drugs are given to the mother to trigger the production of eggs. These drugs may have certain side-effects, the symptoms of which may include restlessness, low or irritable feelings, headaches and hot flushes. These drugs also increase the chances of multiple births. Some strong drugs may even cause vaginal dryness, abdominal swelling and breast tenderness.


Failure of the Treatment: This can be termed as the biggest risk associated with the treatment. If at any step of the treatment, the cycle has to be stopped or the process fails at any step, it will cause a failure of the whole treatment. The chances of abandoning the cycle are about 10%, while that of egg collection is about 1% and failure of fertilisation about 5%. Sometimes, it happens that a portion of the embryos is abnormal chromosomally, which results in the failure of embryo implant. This is more of a problem associated with age and increases with the age of the mother.


Ovarian and Breast Cancer: It is also assumed that women who have undertaken fertility drugs are at a higher risk of developing ovarian and breast cancer than those who haven’t.  Though there are some studies about this, but none of them has come up with an assured result about the same. Ovarian cancers are rather uncommon, and are hence difficult to study.


Emotional and Psychological Effects: IVF treatment is a challenging procedure when it comes to the mental health of the mother. There are feelings of anxiety especially during the wait for results of the treatment. Moreover, if there is a failure of treatment, couples may experience relationship problems and depression. There can be dilemmas about whether to continue treatment or not. Most of such problems can be overcome if the partners are in constant support of each other during and after the treatment. There are also professional counsellors available to get couples out of such emotional problems generated due to IVF treatment.


Birth Defects and Health of the Child: It is observed that in normal cases, the risk of the child born with birth defects is about 3%-4%, whereas in babies born through IVF treatment, it is about 5%. The risk can be because of reasons like the effect of drugs on the uterus that may lead to bad conditions for foetal development. IVF also increases the risk of multiple births and premature babies. Children born through IVF procedures are at a slightly higher risk of developing the rare childhood cancer.

For More About IVF Treatment hospital Delhi Click Here
Tuesday 17 June 2014

How IVF Help You Get Pregnant | Best Health Tips

In Vitro Fertilisation, abbreviated as IVF, is an effective method of procuring a progeny for infertile couples. It is recommended when either the male has a low sperm count, or the female has problems with ovulation, the uterus or the fallopian tube. It can also be done in case of endometriosis or other unexplained fertility problems.

It is very important to understand what actually an IVF procedure is, if you are planning to undergo one. Etymologically, ‘in vitro’ comes from Latin, and means ‘in glass’. It is termed so because of the method it follows. The basis of an IVF procedure is the acquiring of the egg and the sperms, and letting the fertilisation process take place outside the female body, ‘in vitro’. The baby produced through IVF is sometimes called a ‘test-tube baby’, because it is produced in a test-tube.


The step-by-step procedure involves:

1. The first step, in medical terms, is called ‘ovulation induction’, or simply, inducing or causing the egg formation in the female. The fertilisation of all eggs cannot be guaranteed. Hence, this procedure involves a strict regulation so as to get more than one egg in a cycle.

2. The second step, medically ‘follicular aspiration’, is the retrieval of the egg(s) from the ovary. It is done through a surgery that lasts for approximately 30 minutes. Local anaesthesia is given which makes it very easy for the patient.

3. The third step is where the sperms, received from ejaculation, are prepared by keeping them in appropriate conditions in the laboratory.

4. The fourth step is where the fertilisation has to happen. For the process, the eggs and the sperms are kept in an incubator (which provides controlled environmental conditions to help the fertilisation process) till embryos are formed. This is also known as ‘embryo culture’.

5. The fifth and the last step is the transfer of the newly formed embryo into the woman’s uterus, for the development of the embryo into a foetus. This procedure is done generally two to six days after the eggs are retrieved. Once the embryo is implanted, ultrasound and blood tests are done to check for the successful implantation and pregnancy symptoms. 

IVF is a highly considerable option for couples who lack the bliss of parenthood and complete families because of infertility problems. In the long term, the baby is as healthy as one born through natural methods, and IVF doesn’t come with any risk for the baby’s health. 

For information about Best IVF Hospital in Delhi click here

Thursday 12 June 2014


IVF Treatment

IVF or In Vitro Fertilization is a time-tested, highly safe and hassle-free medical procedure which  has proved to be a boon for childless couples who have problems having a child due to conception related issues.
What exactly does IVF procedure entail?
The IVF process is carried out in three phases: 

Pre-IVF Preparation

a) Pre-IVF Preparation
- Physical and Emotional: During this phase, we make sure that the couple, especially the mother-to-be is emotionally and physically fit for the IVF process. The procedure is explained in detail to the couple and all their queries are answered so as to provide maximum knowledge and satisfaction to the couple related to IVF procedure. Following this, tests are carried out to rule out any medical or physical problems that might hinder the IVF process. Once the tests are all positive, we will go ahead with the actual IVF procedure
Actual IVF Procedure
b)The Actual IVF Procedure: IVF is a simple and pain-free reproductive method. The standard IVF process involves inducing follicle development and oocyte maturity through injections and medications. In about two weeks, the follicle is ready and we go ahead with the egg collection process. This process is done under Anaesthesia and hence is absolutely painless. After recovering the eggs, the patient is free to leave after spending 3-4 hours in the recovery room. The retrieved eggs are fertilized in the lab in a fluid medium. In case the sperms do not have strong motility, the sperms are injected individually into the eggs so as to fertilize them ( known as ICSI process). After approx 48 hours, these fertilized eggs are implanted into the uterus of the patient for normal growth.

c) Follow-up and After-care:  At all times throughout the procedure, the health of the fetus is kept in check using ultrasounds and other check-up techniques, normally till the detection of foetal heart beat. Our prime concern is to make sure that the whole experience is hassle-free and not emotionally taxing on the patient. Hence, medical support and follow-up and counselling at all stages is provided to ensure patient’s smooth sailing through the IVF process.
In rare cases if the conception does not happen, the reasons are looked into and the procedure is repeated to ensure success.


Risks: The IVF procedure is considered fairly safe since normally no side-effects are involved. In rare cases, minor issues ,including but not limited to ovarian swelling may occur in case the ovaries are over-stimulated while readying them for the IVF procedure. This can lead to minor side effects like nausea or decreased appetite but these effects are temporary and easily taken care of in the after-care phase. Other after-effects may include slight vaginal bleeding for a few days after the procedure is done with but that is totally normal.

Finances: IVF is a fairly costly treatment compared to other infertility treatments but definitely worth the investment. The couple should seek estimated expense information from the doctor and plan the finances accordingly for smooth delivery of the procedure.

For more details, our IVF counsellors would be happy to address your concerns and queries at ivf fertility center Delhi to fix an appointment. 

Friday 6 June 2014

Things to Consider Before Getting An IVF Treatment

IVF Treatment

In Vitro Fertilization or IVF is being practiced like never before as an alternative resort to  conceiving a child by couple and singles who cannot conceive naturally despite of unprotected intercourse due to some reproductive defect. It is the most sought after technique in the list of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) because of its ease and high success rate. It is a technique by which fertilization is achieved in vitro after taking out the sperm and egg from the desired parents and the formed zygote/blastocyst/embryo is transferred into the mother. The technique is popularly known as ‘Test Tube Baby’. The success rates of IVF are very high owing to advancement and precision in technology and interventions by experienced medical professionals. Knowledge about the pros and cons of the technique is a must before getting an IVF treatment so that the patient prepares himself/herself psychologically. The following parameters must be kept in mind before approaching a fertility center.

Medical Professionals

1. Qualified and Experienced Medical Professionals
The fertility center which you ought to get treated from must have an excellent quality of doctors who have a rich experience and a dedicated service. Make sure the doctors keep everything transparent and provide you the required information whenever needed. The center must follow medical and legal ethics sincerely. Research about the success rates and precision of procedure must be looked into.

IVF Service

2. Easy Approach
The top fertility clinics Delhi must be ready at your service at any hour of the day and should fulfill your every need responsibly. IVF treatment requires a large amount of pre and post care. Therefore, negligence in treatment should not be overlooked. Choose a center which is close to your home. If your city doesn't have clinic, approach that center which lies closest and that offers home service in emergency.

Paramedical Staff

3. Contemporary Technology and Efficient Paramedical Staff
The center must be up-to-date with the latest advancements in the concerned field and have the latest equipment which are maintained properly. A good center would provide a wide range of services under one roof. The nurses and the paramedical staff should be highly trained. They should be sensitive to the needs of the patient. A high level of hygiene should be maintained during and after the surgical procedures.

Reasonable Price

4. Reasonable Price
The center should be ready to negotiate the cost according to your economical background and offer a discount accordingly. Research about the prices offered by various centers shall definitely be helpful in choosing the appropriate center.

Doctor And Patient

5. Mutual Understanding Between the Doctor And the Patient
The relationship between the doctor and the patient should be such that the latter is able to describe his/her needs to the former without any hesitation. The doctor must be sensitive to the needs of the patient and keep the procedure as transparent as possible keeping in mind the work ethics.

A center which qualifies all the above listed parameters will surely help to have your genetic child and bring normalcy into your life.
Monday 2 June 2014

Growth of Surrogacy in India - A social perspective

Surrogacy India
Surrogacy has brought great joy and satisfaction for the many families it has completed over the years, several couples from all over the world are opting for parenthood through surrogate clinics. This option provides them with a choice to break down all barriers in the way of their desire to become parents.

Facilities and Option For Surrogacy
With the new facilities and options available through advancing research, technology and accountability regarding surrogacy and other factors related to the same, India is attracting parents to be from all over the world. But at home, Indians still remain a bit confused about making that decision, this attitude is nurtured mostly by pre occupations regarding natural birth, family background and other such concepts which a vast majority of Indians still chose to hold tight and heavy upon themselves; not realizing that most of these mind sets are rooted in a certain lack of knowledge and understanding about what surrogacy really is. 

Lack of Knowledge
This choice, sometimes still questioned as it is, was not one which was unavailable to our ancestors; it in fact has been respected with a less critical attitude than is assumed sometimes. Utilizing a host womb is nothing but a natural off shoot of a situation and the circumstances which accompany it, there is less insecurity attached with using a capable and healthy womb for one which is week and could be limited in being able to care and provide for the fetus, the bearer, or both as the pregnancy progresses towards birth. Surrogacy now offers several solutions, and it is for the parents or parent to pick the one that is suited best to each situation or requirement.

Non-Traditional Surrogacy
In the case of non-traditional surrogacy, the child does not share a genetic resemblance with the surrogate mother who is the bearer during the period of the pregnancy and then willingly lets the new born go to the parents, who will there on take care of this life; legally, naturally and in every way, giving rise to less confusion regarding the child’s identity and health. There is no risk at all after ivf treatment technique DelhiThere is really not much to be thought of when consequences can lead to more pain than joy, surrogacy gives a couple the intimacy of sharing all that they would in case of a natural conception resulting from successful implantation of the male spermatozoa and female egg.

Surrogacy in India

There has been a lot of discussion on surrogacy, Ivf and other conception and bearing solutions for pregnancy related complications, the most basic, and one of the most potent observation points towards the motion of time and related efforts and findings of human potential which have justified joy and satisfaction for those who were willing to receive it. 

Thursday 29 May 2014

Top 10 Myth About Surrogacy | Guide to Surrogacy World

Fact and Myth About Surrogacy
Surrogacy was legalized in India in 2002 and since then has been accepted widely throughout. Many fertility clinics and centers offer the option of surrogacy for having a child to women who have undergone hysterectomy or have an incurable disorder of the uterus thereby preventing them to conceive. It is the best available option in cases where Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) fails to conceive a child. Surrogacy is perceived to be a bad practice because of some irrational views. Below are the some of the myths related to surrogacy.
Surrogacy is Modern Prostitution
1.   Surrogacy is supposed to be a modern form of prostitution.

Most of the people regard surrogacy next to prostitution and are full of contempt by the very name. They consider it to be something very disgusting and against the laws of nature.

Surrogate Child

2. The child through a surrogate mother is not the biological child of the parents.
People live in an illusion that the mother who delivers the child is the biological mother but this is not the scenario. If a couple wants their own biological child, the gametes from the couple are fertilized artificially and the zygote is transferred into the mother’s womb. Hence, genetically the child is the biological offspring and will have the characteristics of the parents only.

Surrogacy For Money
3. The surrogate mother is helping just for money and surrogacy is a business for her.

The woman who is lending her womb to help someone need not necessarily be doing it just for money. There is a sincere desire in most women to help those who cannot conceive and give them an opportunity to enjoy motherhood.

Surrogate Mother
4. The surrogate mother may keep the child with her.

It is true that the surrogate mother will develop some amount of attachment with the child but will never keep it with her. She is willing to deliver the child of the desired parents under no one’s pressure and understands that she is just the medium of giving birth to the baby. Most of the surrogate mothers are married and have their own families.

Surrogacy Problems
5. Only a relative/acquaintance is reliable of becoming a surrogate mother.

Most of the couples want that the surrogate mother should be someone who is known or related to them and is not a stranger. But choosing a relative for surrogacy is more likely to create problems rather than choosing a stranger. The agencies which provide surrogate mothers ensure that the woman belongs to a decent background and is trustworthy.

Surrogacy and Confidentiality
6. The identity of the surrogate mother or the patients is leaked.

Whatever infertility centre you apply to, it makes sure that the identity of the patient as well as the surrogate mother is kept confidential. By no means, the identity is ever disclosed to anyone.

Surrogacy Only For Rich Peoples
7. Surrogacy is an option only for the rich people.

Surrogacy is indeed an expensive resort of having a baby but the costs are negotiable. Not only the upper class but the middle class can also reap the benefits of this practice.

Legal Issues
8. Many legal formalities are involved in the procedure of surrogacy.

Surrogacy has hardly any legal hassles. Once the contract between the patient and the surrogate mother is signed, there are no other formalities.

Intercourse With Surrogate Mother
9. Intercourse between the surrogate mother and desired father of the child is necessary.

Advancement in medical science has invented techniques by means of which the male and female gametes can be fertilized in vitro (IVF) and the blastocyst can be transferred into the surrogate mother’s uterus. Hence intercourse is not at all needed.

Surrogate Mother
10. The child born through a surrogate mother may be disabled.