Problems That May Arise During and After IVF Treatment

ivf- treatment
IVF- Treatment

Apart from risks arising during the IVF treatment period, there can be some other problems linked with it. You might know about certain risks like that of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHHS), ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, multiple births and other risks like those during egg retrieval and embryo transfer.


There are some other problems that might occur after the onset of the procedure.

  1.     Drug Effects
  2.  Failure of the Treatment
  3.    Ovarian and Breast Cancer
  4.   Emotional and Psychological effects
  5.       Birth Defects and Health of the child


Drug effects: Fertility drugs are given to the mother to trigger the production of eggs. These drugs may have certain side-effects, the symptoms of which may include restlessness, low or irritable feelings, headaches and hot flushes. These drugs also increase the chances of multiple births. Some strong drugs may even cause vaginal dryness, abdominal swelling and breast tenderness.


Failure of the Treatment: This can be termed as the biggest risk associated with the treatment. If at any step of the treatment, the cycle has to be stopped or the process fails at any step, it will cause a failure of the whole treatment. The chances of abandoning the cycle are about 10%, while that of egg collection is about 1% and failure of fertilisation about 5%. Sometimes, it happens that a portion of the embryos is abnormal chromosomally, which results in the failure of embryo implant. This is more of a problem associated with age and increases with the age of the mother.


Ovarian and Breast Cancer: It is also assumed that women who have undertaken fertility drugs are at a higher risk of developing ovarian and breast cancer than those who haven’t.  Though there are some studies about this, but none of them has come up with an assured result about the same. Ovarian cancers are rather uncommon, and are hence difficult to study.


Emotional and Psychological Effects: IVF treatment is a challenging procedure when it comes to the mental health of the mother. There are feelings of anxiety especially during the wait for results of the treatment. Moreover, if there is a failure of treatment, couples may experience relationship problems and depression. There can be dilemmas about whether to continue treatment or not. Most of such problems can be overcome if the partners are in constant support of each other during and after the treatment. There are also professional counsellors available to get couples out of such emotional problems generated due to IVF treatment.


Birth Defects and Health of the Child: It is observed that in normal cases, the risk of the child born with birth defects is about 3%-4%, whereas in babies born through IVF treatment, it is about 5%. The risk can be because of reasons like the effect of drugs on the uterus that may lead to bad conditions for foetal development. IVF also increases the risk of multiple births and premature babies. Children born through IVF procedures are at a slightly higher risk of developing the rare childhood cancer.

For More About IVF Treatment hospital Delhi Click Here

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