Sunday 16 November 2014

7 Things Every Man Should Know About Fertility

Most of the media and social attention on conception and pregnancy is focused on women. The pregnancy occurs in her body, so it makes sense that most people would assume conception is (almost) all about the woman. They would be wrong. It takes two to make a baby, and male fertility is just as important. Here are seven things every man should know about fertility.

  1. Your Diet, Health, and Work Environment Can Impact Your Fertility.
Your health habits matter when it comes to male fertility. Some health habits to watch out for include the following:

  • Smoking: Smoking negatively affects sperm counts, sperm shape, and sperm movement, all important factors for conception. IVF treatment success has also been found to be poorer in male smokers, even when IVF with ICSI is used. (ICSI involves taking a single sperm and directly injecting it into an egg.) Smoking is also connected to erectile dysfunction, so dropping the habit may reverse some of the negative effects.
  • Toxic workplace chemicals: Does your job involve close contact with toxic chemicals? If so, you may be at greater risk for infertility and decreased sperm health. Farmers, painters, varnishers, metal workers, and welders have all been found to be at risk for decreased fertility. If your job involves toxic chemical contact or high heat conditions, speak to your doctor. There may be more steps you can take to protect yourself.
  • Sexually transmitted infections (or STDs/STIs): Sexually transmitted infections can lead to infertility if not treated promptly. Left untreated, an infection can lead to scar tissue within the male reproductive tract, making semen transfer ineffective or even impossible. If you have any symptoms of an STI, see your doctor right away, and if you're at risk for contracting an STI, get regular checks even if you are asymptomatic. You may unknowingly pass on an STI to your female partner, which can then damage her fertility.
  • Weight: Being over or underweight can have a negative effect on semen health. Men with a BMI below 20 have been found to have lower sperm concentration and sperm counts, while obese men have been found to have lower levels of testosterone and lower sperm counts.
  • Too many alcoholic drinks: Most studies have found that a few drinks a week won't cause any harm, but excessive drinking has been linked to lower sperm counts, poor sperm movements, and poor sperm shape. One study found that with every additional drink consumed per week, the IVF success rate decreased.
More on protecting or improving male fertility:

2. Paying Attention to Age Is Important for Men, Too.

You may already know that female fertility declines with age. A 30-year-old woman has a 20% chance of conceiving in any one month, while a 40-year-old woman has only a 5% chance. Male fertility is also affected by age, though not as drastically as in women. A 70-year-old woman cannot conceive naturally, but some 70-year-old men are still capable of fathering a child naturally. Still, age is something you should consider when planning your family.

Research has found that with increased age, male fertility and sperm health decreases, including an increase in DNA-damaged sperm. Male age has been linked to an increased risk of miscarriage, the passing on of genetic problems, and some birth defects. Increased male age has also been linked to increased rates of autism and schizophrenia.

IVF treatment is also impacted by male age. One study found that for each additional year of paternal age, there was an 11% increased odds of not achieving pregnancy, and a 12% increase in the odds of not having a live birth.

3. Heat Is Bad for Sperm.

High temperatures are bad news for sperm. You've most likely heard of this in relation to the boxers vs. briefs argument. The thinking was that boxers, being less restrictive and having more air flow, would lead to cooler testicular temperatures and healthier levels of fertility. The research isn't really clear on whether boxers or briefs matter, although wearing extremely tight shorts or underwear, especially when made from a non-breathable fabric, may have an impact on sperm health.

More sources of sperm-troubling heat include:

  • Hot tubbing or long hot baths
  • Sitting for prolonged periods of time with your legs together (like at a desk job or while driving long distances)
  • Sitting with a laptop on your lap
  • Heated car seats
The heat damaging effects may have a longer lasting impact than you'd imagine, too. A very small study looked at men who attended a sauna twice a week, for 15 minutes, over a period of three months. When comparing to semen samples taken before the sauna visits, the researchers found decreases in sperm count and movement, as well as more DNA-damaged sperm. The men in the study were again evaluated three months and six months after they stopped attending the sauna. Sperm health wasn't completely regained until six months after the men stopped attending the sauna sessions.

4. Male Infertility Is More Common Than You Think.

Couples are advised to seek testing and treatment if they don't conceive after a year of unprotected sex (or six months, if the woman is age 35 or older). Usually, the female partner will see her gynecologist for an evaluation, but men need to be evaluated, too. Male-factor infertility is involved in up to half of all infertile couples. The break down is:

  • About one-third of infertile couples have female factor infertility
  • Another third have male factor infertility
  • The remaining third have both male and female factor infertility, or the cause remains unexplained
A semen analysis, which is a non-invasive test that evaluates semen and sperm health, should be done before any treatments (even clomid) are tried. If male factors are involved, and you try treatments before evaluating male fertility, your female partner will go through the physical stress -- and both of you will go through the emotional stress -- for no reason.

Speak to your partner's gynecologist about having the semen analysis done, even if she doesn't bring it up herself. You may need to see a urologist or fertility specialist for the semen analysis, or the gynecologist may be able to order the test for you.

5. Male Infertility Is Usually -- But Not Always -- Symptomless.

Most of the time, male infertility shows no obvious outward signs. Being unable to conceive is usually the first sign of infertility in men. You can be in tip-top health and still have compromised fertility. (You can also, by the way, have a great sex life and have male infertility. Contrary to myth, fertility and sexual prowess are not related.)

There are, however, a few symptoms and risk factors to look out for. If any of these symptoms or risk factors apply to you, see a urologist before you start trying to conceive:

  • If you have an undescended testicle
  • If you have been treated for a sexually transmitted infection in the past
  • If you have trouble having or maintaining an erection
  • If you have low sex drive
  • If you have pain, swelling, or a lump in the testicular area
There are also a number of commonly taken medications that may impact your fertility. Speak to your primary care doctor to find out if any of your medications may be compromising your fertility. You may be able to switch to something else.

6. Putting Off Testing and Treatment May Decrease Your Chances for Pregnancy Success.

Despite the recommendations to seek help after one year of trying, surveys have found that many couples don't. There are a number of reasons for this, including anxiety about fertility testing, concerns about the possible cost of treatments, and misunderstandings like thinking all infertility has obvious symptoms and causes, or thinking that once you've had a child, you can't be infertile. (You actually can have infertility after already having a child. This is called secondary infertility.)

Here's the thing: certain causes of infertility worsen with time. The sooner you get evaluated, the better your chances may be for pregnancy success. This applies to male testing as well as female testing. If only the woman is tested, time can be lost.

If you're worried about the costs, it may be helpful to know that the majority of infertile couples can be treated with low-tech, lower-cost treatments. IVF treatment, the most expensive fertility treatment, is not needed for the majority of couples.

7. At-Home Sperm Analysis Tests Aren't Good Enough to Rule Out Male Infertility.

The semen analysis can make many men nervous, and many turn to the internet in hopes of taking a more anonymous test. These mail-based semen analysis tests are not as accurate as the testing done in a lab with fresh semen. In fact, to get the best test results, the sample should get to the testing lab within an hour of collection.

The at-home sperm tests are limited in what they can evaluate: most of them measure sperm count and semen volume, but they can't evaluate sperm movement and they rarely look at sperm shape. You can have great sperm counts, but if the sperm are not moving properly, or they're all poorly shaped, you may still be infertile.

If you're concerned about your fertility, see your doctor and get an accurate test done.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Research and Facts on Dealing with Infertility

If you're having a hard time coping with infertility, you're not alone. Research has shown that the psychological stress experienced by women with infertility is similar to that of women coping with illnesses like cancer, HIV, and chronic pain. Yes there is lots of Infertility treatment center but it's not an easy disease to cope with.

To make things worse, you may hear from friends or family that your anxiety is causing the infertility. But this is not true. While researchers once thought that stress caused infertility, more recent studies do not make this connection.

Emotional Impact of Infertility

The whirlwind of emotions that infertility brings can feel overwhelming. Sometimes knowing that your feelings are normal can help.

Some of the feelings you may experience include:

  • Loss: You may feel a sense of loss for the child or children you imagined having one day. You may also feel that you're missing out on the experience of parenthood or the act of having a biological child.
    • Anger and jealousy: You may feel angry at life in general. You may also feel angry or jealous that parenthood seems to come easily to others.
    • Denial: You might tell yourself that you just know next month will bring a positive pregnancy test, and then, when it doesn't, feel a huge sense of sadness and shock.
    • Shame: Women may feel that a diagnosis of infertility makes them less feminine, while men may feel that a diagnosis makes them less masculine. You may also feel that you are somehow less of a person if you can't have a child on your own.
    • Lack of Control: You may feel a lack of control, knowing that there is nothing you can do to guarantee or know if treatments will work.
    Marital or Relationship Stress

    Infertility can also put stress on your relationship, with studies showing that couples dealing with infertility are more likely to feel unhappy with themselves and their marriages.

    Infertility may affect your relationship in a number of ways, including:

    • Sexual tension: Especially around ovulation, sex may feel more like a chore than an enjoyable way to express love for each other. Men may experience performance anxiety, leading to feelings of guilt or shame.
    • Financial stress: Fertility treatment costs can quickly add up. Everything from deciding how much you're willing to pay, to coping with the financial strain or debt, can create a great deal of stress between couples.
    • Fear of abandonment: Especially for the partner with the infertility diagnosis, he or she may be afraid that their partner will want to leave them to have children with someone else.
    • Arguments about treatments: Deciding which treatments or options to try, when to stop seeking treatment, or when to take a break can put tremendous strain on a couple.
    Ways to Cope

    With the myriad of feelings surrounding infertility, good coping skills are essential. Here are a few tips to help manage and lower the stress of infertility:

    • Acknowledge your feelings: Holding everything inside does not help. It actually takes more mental energy to hold your feelings back than to express them. Allow yourself time to feel the sadness, anger, and frustration
    • Seek support: Whether through friends, professional counselling, groups, or online forums, finding somewhere to talk with people who understand can help you feel less alone.
    • Practice relaxation: Learning how to relax and calm yourself can help when feelings get intense and during treatments. Acupuncture, yoga, and relaxation techniques are all possible ways to cope.
    • Talk to your partner: Talk about your feelings together. Keep in mind, though, that men and women cope with stress in different ways. Women are more likely to express their sadness, while men tend to hold things inside. Neither way is wrong, just different.
    • Learn as much as you can: The more you know about infertility, including alternatives like adoption or living child-free, the more in control you will feel.
    • Don't let infertility take over your life: Make sure you fill your life and your relationship with other things. If it seems like infertility is all you talk about together, set a specified time each day for the topic, and use the rest of the day to talk about other things.
    • Keep sex fun: As mentioned above, sex can quickly become more like a chore, than a fun way to express love for each other. Try to keep things loving and exciting. Light candles, play fun music, or watch romantic movies, whatever makes you both feel good.
    • Consider professional help: Many couples find that professional individual or couples counselling can help them cope with the emotional stress of infertility, and some fertility clinics insist that their patients seek counselling before and during treatment. 

    Understanding the Causes, Signs, and Treatment of Depression Related Infertility | Infertility and Depression

    Infertility and depression frequently go together. While you may not be surprised to learn that infertility can lead to depression, you might not know that people who experience depression are more likely to have fertility problems. You may also be surprised to learn that depression during pregnancy and after pregnancy (postpartum depression) is more common in women who have struggled with trying to conceive.

    But just because depression is common among the fertility challenged, this doesn't mean you should ignore it or fail to treat it.

    What Is the Difference Between Depression and Regular Sadness?

    It's completely normal to feel sadness when dealing with infertility. You may get hit with the blues when your period comes, when a fertility test comes back with bad news, when treatments fail, or upon diagnosis of infertility. You may also feel sadness when reminded of your fertility struggles, like when a friend throws a baby shower or your sister has her fourth child.

    One difference between sadness and depression is sadness lifts after some time, while depression lingers, involves other symptoms, and interferes with your life. How serious the depression is depends on how much it affects your daily life.

    Signs of depression include:

  • Sadness that lasts for weeks or months.
    • Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.
    • Frequent crying or tearing up.
    • Frequently irritated or intolerant of others around you, specifically people who you used to enjoy being around.
    • Lack of motivation, struggling to get work done at the office or around the home.
    • Difficulty sleeping, either sleeping too much or unable to sleep well (insomnia).
    • Difficulty with eating, either overeating or experiencing low appetite.
    • Struggling with experiencing pleasure in life, including a low interest in sex.
    • Frequent feelings of anxiety or worry.
    • Thoughts of dying, self-harm, or suicide.
    What Causes Infertility-Related Depression?

    Infertility is a stressful condition, having a strong impact on your sex life, relationship, sense of self-worth, and daily life. In the midst of testing and treatments, infertility may literally feel like it has become your entire life, as you go to and from doctor appointments. All of this stress can potentially contribute to the development of depression.

    Depression is more common among the fertility challenged who have a family history of depression, who experienced depression before their fertility struggles, or those who lack a support network. Infertility frequently causes feelings of shame, which may make it more difficult to talk to friends and family about your struggles. This isolation makes depression more likely.

    Some hormonal imbalances that cause infertility may also contribute to mood symptoms and vulnerability to depression. Be sure to mention to your doctors if you're experiencing any feelings of a low mood, as it may help them diagnose your infertility and manage your overall care.

    Can Depression Cause Infertility?

    No one definitively knows whether depression itself can cause infertility, though some studies have found a correlation between depression and increased rates of IVF treatment. Some theorize that this may be due to an overlap in some of the hormonal issues involved in both conditions.

    Also, depression may lead to lifestyle habits that can negatively impact your fertility. For example, depression often causes overeating or lack of appetite, and being overweight or underweight can cause infertility. People who are depressed are more likely to smoke or drink, which can also hurt your fertility.

    Will Pregnancy Cure the Depression?

    If not getting pregnant is contributing to depression, it seems logical to assume that finally achieving pregnancy will cure depression. However, this isn't always the case. In fact, those who have experienced infertility are more likely to feel depression during pregnancy and are at an increased risk for postpartum depression.

    Sunday 26 October 2014

    How to Choose a Fertility Clinic - Eterna IVF and Fertility Clinic

    Choosing a fertility clinic is a very important decision that should not be taken lightly and should be given much thought. It can be very overwhelming when couples are faced with trying to make a decision that will have such an important impact on their life. There is such an abundance of fertility clinics to choose from that the options can seem endless. To compete with other fertility clinics, clinics will often advertise and boast about their positive attributes and high success rates. Couples reading through clinic literature often feel bombarded by all of the material and may have a difficult time deciphering what is truth and what is fluff. Although statistical data about high success rates is important, it is not the only factor that should be looked at when choosing a fertility clinic. There are many other reasons for selecting a clinic that may be the right choice for you. There are a few easy steps that any couple can take to help them find the fertility clinic that is right for them.

    Method 1 of 3: Know the Signs of a Bad Fertility Clinic
    Before you can identify the steps needed to locate a good IVF treatment clinic, you need to know and watch out for the warning signs of a bad clinic.

    1. Watch out for fertility clinics whose physician is only available part time. Many doctors that work at a fertility clinic also have a full time job working in a hospital performing deliveries or other types of gynecological work.
    The problem with a doctor who is available only part time is that he may not be able to provide you with the time and service that is needed to ensure that you have the best care possible and to give you a higher chance of conceiving. Part time clinic doctors are most likely to be burdened with busy schedules and preoccupied with their other full time job.
    Some clinics have been known to only bring in a part time embryologist once or twice per month to perform fertility procedures. These doctors will usually make all of their patients come into the office on this same day to perform fertility procedures. This method can lower your chances of conceiving because you may not produce eggs at the same rate as someone else, but you will be forced to receive your treatment only on those days when the embryologist can be there.

    2. Be on the lookout for a fertility clinic that does not offer the wide range of services that better clinics offer. Especially important to watch out for is a clinic that does not include embryo freezing facilities, which are essential to a good clinic. If a clinic does not have a freezing facility, it should immediately be taken off your list of potential clinics, as many facilities like this have been known to donate your eggs to someone else without your consent.

    3. Be leery of fertility clinics that refuse to show you their fertility equipment or facilities.
    Some fertility clinics purchase second-hand, poor or older equipment that is out of date. These types of clinics increase your risk for infection because they cannot service their equipment properly and they often reuse fertility devices.

    Method 2 of 3: It is Important to Check a Facility’s Credentials
    There are several credentials and facts to check when looking into a fertility clinic.

    1. Find out how long the program has been established. The level of experience that a fertility clinic has is very important. The longer a clinic has been in business, the better the facility likely is because it has been around long enough to have been proven credible.
    2. Find out the clinic’s pregnancy rates. Check the published pregnancy rates for a facility. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention publish pregnancy rates for most fertility clinics.
    Be careful when checking these rates. Some clinics will turn away patients who have a very poor chance of becoming pregnant just to keep their rates high. Rather than looking just at the numbers, inquire about specific clinic policies and turndown rates as well.
    3. Check to see if the clinic is a member of the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology or SART. SART requires all members to follow ethical guidelines in order to be considered for and maintain membership. They will also do spot checks of the clinic to ensure that all guidelines and rules are being upheld.
    4. Check to make sure that all of the physicians are board certified. It is important for them to be board certified specifically in Reproductive procedures such as embryology.
    Make sure that all of the physicians at the clinic work on site. You will receive better medical care if the physician is available to assist you when you need him.
    Method 3 of 3: Familiarize Yourself With the Different Services That a Clinic May Offer
    When you inquire about all of the services that a clinic offers, it becomes easier to see if that particular clinic offers the specific service or fertility treatment that you need or want.

    1. Check to see if the clinic offers in vitro fertilization as a therapy for women with all types of fertility issues.
    Some clinics will only offer this fertility treatment as a last resort, when all other fertility methods have failed. Some fertility clinics do this to boost their pregnancy rates. You want to find a clinic that offers a wide range of services to help you conceive.

    2. Check to see if the clinic offers treatment for male infertility programs as well. This could be something you may need if the male in the relationship has already been tested and proven to have the fertility issue. Additionally, there are many instances in which male infertility is discovered after the woman has been receiving fertility treatments. Starting out at a clinic that offers male infertility services will prevent you from having to switch doctors if a problem is discovered later on.

    3. Check the costs. Each clinic should disclose in writing the costs of treatment. It is important to pick a clinic that is affordable to you, but you should not skimp on the quality of care just because one place is more affordable than the other. Inquire about payment plans, insurance carriers that are accepted and partial payments for failed pregnancy attempts.

    4. Check to see if the clinic offers psychological counseling. Fertility treatments can be extremely stressful for couples. It can be very helpful if a clinic has on site psychological counseling to help you find some good stress coping techniques during this difficult time.
    Wednesday 8 October 2014

    Is Surrogacy for you? Eterna IVF and Fertility Clinic

    Only a very caring and unselfish person would even consider becoming a surrogate mother. The rewards of giving such an incredible gift are great, but, so are the stresses and the sacrifices. Being a surrogate is not easy and it is not for everyone. So, how do you know if it is for you? The best advice we can give is to think hard about the many ways being a surrogate will affect your life and do a little soul searching.
    Below, we have listed several important issues you should take into account when you are trying to decide if becoming a surrogate is for you. If, after considering everything in this article, you are still interested in becoming a surrogate and you think you would be a good candidate, we wish you the best of luck in making your lucky couple's dreams come true!
    Your Physical Health
    • How is your health in general?
    • Do you have any long-term illnesses that might prevent you from successfully carrying a pregnancy to term?
    • Do you have a good reproductive history?
    • Did you conceive easily?
    • Were your pregnancies and deliveries reasonably easy and without complications?
    Your Support System
    • If you are married, does your husband support your decision to be a surrogate?
    • If you are not married, do you have someone who you can talk to for support during the surrogacy?
    • If your children are old enough to understand surrogacy, are they comfortable with the idea of you becoming a surrogate?
    • How will it make you feel if/when you are confronted by others who may disapprove of your being a surrogate?
    • How will it make you feel if/when your children are confronted by others who may disapprove of your being a surrogate?
    Emotional Issues
    • Can you be reasonably sure that you are capable of giving up a child that you will carry for 9 months?
    • In traditional surrogacy, you will be the child's genetic mother. Will it be difficult for you to let go of a child that you have a genetic link to?
    • Will becoming a surrogate cause problems within your marriage?
    • Will becoming a surrogate cause a great amount of stress in your relationships with those closest to you (family, friends, coworkers, etc.)?
    • As with any pregnancy, there is always a possiblity of complications which could result in fertility problems for you down the road. How would it make you feel to no longer be able to have children as a result of the surrogacy? How would it affect your marriage?
    Medical Issues
    • If you will be a gestational surrogate, are you prepared for the medical protocol, which will require daily injections?
    • The chances of a multiple pregnancy are increased in gestational surrogacy. How do you feel about carrying multiples?
    • How would you feel if your doctor requires you to drastically reduce your activity or go on bedrest in the event of a high-risk or multiple pregnancy?
    Decision Making
    • If it was discovered that the child you are carrying has a physical defect, how will you feel about terminating the pregnancy? (Note: If you would not be comfortable terminating the pregnancy, it does not mean that you will not make a good surrogate. It only means that you need to find a couple who agrees with your point of view.)
    For more information about surrogacy click here
    Wednesday 1 October 2014

    IVF: Risks May Outweigh Benefits, Say Experts

    The first baby was born using in vitro fertilization in 1981. From then until 2003, more than 1 million babies were born using the treatment, and this increased to 10 million by 2015. Now, a new analysis published in the BMJ suggests that in vitro fertilization may be overused, and the risks of the treatment could possibly outweigh the benefits.

    In vitro fertilization (IVF) was first created as a treatment option for women who had fallopian tube disorders and men who were severely infertile.

    But the team of experts who conducted the analysis, led by Dr. Esme I. Kamphuis of the Centre for Reproductive Medicine at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, states that in recent years, IVF has been used for other conditions that affect fertility, and it has even been used to treat unexplained fertility problems.

    For example, they say between 2000 and 2010, the number of annual IVF cycles in the US increased from 90,000 to 150,000. However, the proportion of IVF cycles for tubal problems reduced from 25% to 16% during this period.

    The experts point out that unexplained fertility accounts for around 25-30% of couples undergoing IVF treatment. But they note that when not treated with IVF straight away, most of these couples are able to conceive naturally before treatment.

    Extended IVF use 'harmful'

    The experts argue that extended IVF use increases the risk of harm to both the mother and offspring.

    "Multiple pregnancies are associated with maternal and perinatal complications such as gestational diabetes, fetal growth restriction, and preeclampsia as well as premature birth. And even singletons born through IVF have been shown to have worse outcomes than those conceived naturally," they write.

    Furthermore, the authors say there are also concerns surrounding the long-term health of children born through IVF. They note that these children may have higher blood pressure, adiposity, glucose levels and more generalized vascular abnormalities, compared with children who are conceived naturally.

    "These effects seem to be related to the IVF procedure itself rather than to underlying subfertility," the experts add.

    IVF has 'evolved as a profit-generating industry'

    The experts say that the progression of IVF is being prevented by "a lack of will to question its perceived success."
    They add that at present, bodies who fund the treatment are not interested in funding studies that investigate the long-term safety of IVF.
    Sunday 28 September 2014

    What is Surrogacy? Eterna IVF and Fertility Clinic

    In recent years, surrogacy has become a common form of assisted reproduction. If you’re looking to learn more about it, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s start off by defining the term.

    The Definition

    Surrogacy is when a woman bears a child for another person or couple, becoming pregnant either through in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI).

    Gestational vs. Traditional

    There are two types of surrogacy: gestational surrogacy and traditional surrogacy. In gestational surrogacy, the more common practice, a surrogate becomes pregnant via in vitro fertilization and is not genetically related to the child to whom she gives birth. In a traditional surrogacy, a surrogate becomes pregnant via intrauterine insemination, uses her own eggs and has a genetic connection to the baby. While traditional surrogacy was the more common practice in years past, today the vast majority of surrogacy arrangements involve gestational surrogacy.

    Compensated vs. Uncompensated

    When arranging a surrogacy, there are two options: compensated surrogacy and uncompensated surrogacy. In a compensated surrogacy, the surrogate receives payment for her services, the intended parents pay all medical costs, and the parties typically work with a surrogacy agency. In an uncompensated (sometimes called “altruistic”) surrogacy arrangement, the surrogate is often a friend or relative of the intended parents, and she receives no payment outside of reimbursement for medical expenses. The majority of surrogacy arrangements today involve compensated surrogacy.

    Common Surrogacy Situations:

    • people turn to surrogacy to build their families for various reasons. Intended parents include:
    • eterosexual couples who have repeat miscarriages or several failed assisted reproductive technology attempts, such as in vitro fertilization or intrauterine insemination
    • Intended mothers who are unable to carry a child
    • Intended parents who have a genetic defect or health condition they don’t want to pass onto the child
    • Same-sex intended parents who want to have a genetic link to the baby
    Getting Pregnant

    The process by which a surrogate becomes pregnant depends on the type of surrogacy. With gestational surrogacy, the surrogate becomes pregnant by IVF—the intended mother’s eggs or eggs from an egg donor are retrieved through a surgical procedure and fertilized by sperm in a petri dish. The resulting embryos are cultivated in the laboratory for several days and one or more are then transferred into the carrier’s uterus.

    Remaining Frozen Embryos

    Frozen embryos are stored at your IVF clinic. If your family is complete, you will be advised on your options for the future of your embryos. If you choose to move your embryos, your IVF center will assist you in that process. Of course, you may use the cryopreserved embryos in a future surrogacy if you choose.

    Intended Parent Qualification

    Becoming a parent is a life-altering decision that shouldn't be made lightly. We ask intended parents to fill out our parenting questionnaire and participate in a free consultation, which helps them to fully understand the emotional, financial, and psychological components that come along with surrogacy.

    A Lifelong Gift: 5 Benefits of Becoming a Surrogate

    As a gestational surrogate, you have no genetic link to the child you carry. Your body becomes a home to your intended parents’ (IPs) child. And through your nine-months of gestation brings a lifetime of happiness for a family that may not have been created without your generosity and help.

    With that in mind, we compiled a list of the top five benefits of becoming a surrogate.

    1. Enriching the lives of your IPs as well as bringing one into the world. IPs pursue surrogacy for many reasons— some are same-sex couples, some are heterosexual couples who struggle with infertility, and others are single parents who want to start a family. Your act of becoming a surrogate gives the gift of life to you IPs.

    2. Developing a bond with your IPs. At Circle, we believe that the relationship between a surrogate and her IPs is of the utmost importance for both parties involved and for the child’s future. By carefully matching surrogates with IPs who have similar expectations on the type of relationship they’re willing to build, we can help create a heart-warming and fulfilling experience. The relationship is a reciprocal one, and Circle works with you and your IPs to ensure that both parties are comfortable and excited to work together.

    3. Receiving top-notch care. As a surrogate with Eterna Surrogacy, you are closely monitored by some of the best healthcare professionals in the country, ensuring that you receive the best possible care.

    4. Earning financial compensation. In addition to the altruistic reasons for becoming a surrogate, you are compensated for your time and dedication. Eterna’s surrogates earn between Rs. 50000 and Rs. 100000 with the potential to earn up to Rs 80000 in additional reimbursements. IPs view payment as a small gift in return for your immeasurable blessing that you’ve given them.

    5. Experiencing complete support. Not only will you have support and care from your intended parents, but you will also have a team here at Eterna Surrogacy who will be with you every step of the way. You will move through your surrogacy journey with a group of people who will make sure that you are happy, healthy, and safe at all times.

    Every woman’s experience as a gestational carrier is different. However, there is a common sentiment Rani Gupta (a former Eterna surrogate!) captures in her Youtube video about her experience. She notes, “This was their pregnancy- they just didn’t have the stretch marks to show it.”

    IVF for Surrogacy and Egg Donation: An overview for intended parents

    In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the medical procedure behind gestational surrogacy and egg donation. In the process, eggs are removed from an egg donor or from the intended mother and fertilized with sperm in a lab to create embryos. The resulting embryos are grown in laboratory conditions for 3-5 days. In a surrogacy arrangement, these embryos are then implanted into the uterus of a gestational surrogate. In an egg donation arrangement, they are transferred into the intended mother.

    In preparation for the IVF procedure, surrogates and egg donors undergo medical treatments. An egg donor will self-administer injectible medications to stimulate the production of eggs. A surrogate takes medications to prepare her body for the embryo implantation.

    Intended parents need to make a variety of choices in conjunction with the medical team at your IVF clinic. These decisions directly affect not only the success of the procedure, but also the number, health, and the biological makeup of the prospective children. The quality of the resulting embryos may affect the number that is recommended to be implanted. You may also have legal agreements in place that stipulate the number of embryos that can be transferred. You will also need to determine what to do with any remaining frozen embryos following the procedure.

    The egg retrieval and IVF procedures are brief. Following the embryo transfer, your surrogate will require a period of bed rest. At any point in the process, you should feel free to reach out to your IVF clinic for any medical questions or to Circle with any questions about your contract, travel, or any other related issues.
    Friday 26 September 2014

    Women delaying first baby risk age-related infertility

    Young women who decide to delay their first baby until their late-30s are running the risk of being left childless because of age-related infertility, scientists have warned.
    A woman's fertility declines dramatically after the age of 35 and an increasing number of women are finding that they have to turn to IVF treatment to have any hope of becoming pregnant, experts said.
    "Things are really going downhill between the ages of 30 and 40....the best cure of all is for women to have their babies before this clock strikes twelve," said Dr. Sarita Sukhija, a surrogacy and ivf specialist at Eterna IVF and Fertility Clinic.
    "They should think of family planning not just in the context of preventing pregnancy but also think of it in the context of having your babies at a time when you still have your reproductive fitness...I would be worried if my own daughter didn't have a child at 35," Dr Sarita said.

    The number of women between the ages of 35 and 39 giving birth for the first time has increased from 6.8 per cent in 1986 to 17 per cent in 2008. This has been accompanied by significant increase in the number of women over 40 seeking fertility treatment, many of whom will ultimately fail to become pregnant, the experts said.
    Fertility specialists are increasingly concerned about the trend towards having children later in life because, although it can work for some women, it causes problems for many more because female fertility declines so rapidly after 35.
    "Family planning has got to include when you are going to have your children as well and what we are seeing over the years is an increase in the age of women seeking fertility treatment," said Dr Sarita.

    "We cannot get away from the age-related decline in fertility and I think to put forward the idea of delaying having children is fine for some people but it's not fine for everybody," she said.
    "I don't think women understand the risks they run when they reach the older ages....It's better to think about it [in your 20s] and having that thought process inform all possibilities," she told the British Science Festival in Newcastle.
    Women are born with a certain number of egg cells in their ovaries and these are gradually lost as they get older, Dr Sarita said.
    "Women at the age of menopause have effectively run out of eggs. We do run out of time," she told the meeting.

    Dream of motherhood finally real after surrogacy - Eterna IVF and Fertility Clinic

    AFTER 17 years, 15 failed IVF attempts and the death of a premature baby, Merri Anderson refused to give up hope that one day she would become a mother.
    That courage and unwavering faith will see Merri and partner Peter welcome not one but two little miracles into the world any day now - but not without a little bit of help.
    Merri and Peter began their journey to parenthood many years ago and after trying for years to conceive naturally were forced to turn to IVF when they found out one of Merri's tubes was blocked.

    That also proved to be a dead end street paved with heartache with four cancelled cycles and 10 unsuccessful cycles before the 11th go when they finally fell pregnant but lost their little girl after she was born premature and lived for just three hours.
    "They said I could either adopt or try surrogacy, but the adoption agencies wouldn't approve us because of my lung problem and surrogacy was still illegal," Ms Anderson said.
    Their options were dwindling but all that changed when they came for surrogacy in India in Eterna-IVF, the Rockhampton pair was given an email address for Indian woman Usha who had been considering becoming a surrogate for some time.

    "We emailed back and forth for a few months getting to know each other," Usha said.
    "It was the most nerve-racking day meeting each other after six months," Ms Anderson said.
    Usha and her husband Raju have two children, Rani, 16, and Rahul, 13, and said nine months was a small price to pay to make dreams come true.
    "Nine months of my life will give them a lifetime of happiness," Usha said.
    When the four finally agreed to go ahead with the surrogacy, one attempt failed, the second resulted in a miscarriage and the third resulted in something none of them imagined in their wildest dreams - twins.
    Usha is due to give birth to twins, a boy and girl, any day now and says the whole process has forged an incredible bond between the two families.
    "They will know that I was the birth mother," she said.
    "We'll be aunty and uncle to the twins and see them all the time and they will be like cousins to Rahul and Rani."
    Mrs Anderson said she did not know what she would do without the incredible generosity of the whole Raju family.
    "She's my life saver," Mrs Anderson said. "I don't know how I was ever going to get through life without kids.

    "I've wanted them since I was little and I never ever gave up and I knew one day I would be a mum somehow."
    One day is now just around the corner with the twins due on March 27 but doctors have said if they haven't arrived by March 11, they will induce labour.
    "She's been so patient the past 17 years but this last two weeks has been crazy for her," Usha said of the mother-to-be.
    "She's getting impatient."
    Usha said her
    family, especially husband Raju, had been incredibly supportive but both exten
    ded families had been sceptical when they first told them about the surrogacy plans.
    "Both our families were a bit strange at first but they have all gotten used to it," Ms Anderson said. "My family was terrified that she would keep them even though they're biologically ours.
    "It's very scary. I had to put all my trust in her."
    The surrogacy has cost approximate 9700 GBP but that's only a portion of what the pair have spent on IVF and related
    expenses over the years.

    Monday 8 September 2014

    Why Infertility Happens | Your Guide to Female Infertility

    Infertility is the inability to get pregnant after a year of unprotected intercourse. 

    About 10% of couples in only United States are affected by infertility. Both men and women can be infertile. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 1/3 of the time the diagnosis is due to female infertility, 1/3 of the time it is linked to male infertility, and the remaining cases of infertility are due to a combination of factors from both partners. For approximately 20% of couples, the cause cannot be determined.

    How Does Age Affect Fertility?

    Women are born with a finite number of eggs. Thus, as the reproductive years progress, the number and quality of the eggs diminish. The chances of having a baby decrease by 3% to 5% per year after the age of 30. This reduction in fertility is noted to a much greater extent after age 40.

    What Causes Female Infertility?

    Female infertility can be also be caused by a number of factors, including the following:

    • Damage to the fallopian tubes (which carry the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus) can prevent contact between the egg and sperm. Pelvic infections, endometriosis, and pelvic surgeries may lead to scar formation and fallopian tube damage.
    • Some women have problems with ovulation. Synchronized hormonal changes leading to the release of an egg from the ovary and the thickening of the endometrium (lining of the uterus) in preparation for the fertilized egg do not occur. These problems may be detected using basal body temperature charts, ovulation predictor kits, and blood tests to detect hormone levels.
    • A small group of women may have a cervical condition in which the sperm cannot pass through the cervical canal. Whether due to abnormal mucus production or a prior cervical surgical procedure, this problem may be treated with intrauterine inseminations.
    • Abnormal anatomy of the uterus; the presence of polyps and fibroids.
    • The cause of infertility in approximately 20% of couples will not be determined using the currently available methods of investigation.

    How Is the Cause of Infertility Determined?

    If male infertility is suspected, a semen analysis is performed. This test will evaluate the number and health of his sperm. A blood test can also be performed to check his level of testosterone and other male hormones.

    If female infertility is suspected, your doctor may order several tests, including:

    • A blood test to check hormone levels
    • An endometrial biopsy to check the lining of the uterus
    • Two diagnostic tests that may be helpful in detecting scar tissue and tubal obstruction are hysterosalpingography and laparoscopy.
    •  This procedure involves either ultrasound or X-rays taken of the reproductive organs. Either dye or saline and air are injected into the cervix and travel up through the fallopian tubes. This enables the ultrasound or X-ray to reveal if the fallopian tubes are open or blocked.
    •  In this procedure, a laparoscope (a slender tube fitted with a fiberoptic camera) is inserted into the abdomen through a small incision near the belly button. The laparoscope enables the doctor to view the outside of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes to detect abnormal growths, as in endometriosis. The doctor can also check to see if the fallopian tubes are open at the same time.
    For more info click here Best IVF Hospital in Delhi
    Sunday 7 September 2014

    What to Expect During IVF | Eterna IVF & Fertility Clinic

    1. The intake interview.

    If initial fertility treatments such as fertility drugs or surgery fail and you decide to move forward with IVF, your ob/gyn will refer you to a reproductive endocrinologist. During your initial meeting with the doctor, you'll discuss your medical and fertility history, and that of your partner, to determine which treatment protocols will work best for you, as well as what you can do to improve the odds of a healthy birth.

    2. Preliminary tests and talks.

    You'll undergo ultrasound and blood tests to determine the number and quality of your eggs. You'll also meet with a nurse to learn how to self administer fertility drugs, a financial counselor to work out payment, and a psychologist to discuss coping with any stress that might arise.

    3. Drugs to induce egg growth.

    To stimulate your follicles to grow as many eggs as possible during your cycle, for about two weeks you'll give yourself one to three daily injections of fertility medications (such as GonalF, a folliclestimulating hormone, and Repronex, a luteinizing hormone) in your thigh or stomach. Either before your cycle or midway through, you'll also inject a gonadotropinreleasing hormone (GnRH) drug such as Lupron, which prevents you from ovulating too early. Around day 12, you'll inject the drug human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to stimulate ovulation and precisely time the final burst of egg growth. During these two weeks, you'll visit the clinic about five times for blood and ultrasound tests to monitor your progress.

    4. Egg harvesting.

    In a carefully targeted window of time — shortly before doctors calculate that your eggs will be released through the fallopian tubes during ovulation — you'll be heavily sedated and, using ultrasound as a guide, your doctor will pull eggs out of your ovaries with a hollow needle inserted through the wall of the vagina. In the meantime, your partner, in a nearby room, will ejaculate into a cup to obtain sperm, which the lab will then quickly process to extract the most robust ones. The sperm and eggs are then mixed together in an incubator so insemination can occur. If necessary — for instance, when sperm count is low or the sperm are having difficulty penetrating the egg — the lab embryologist might also perform intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), a procedure in which sperm are injected directly into an egg. If you are over 40 or a previous IVF attempt failed, he might also puncture the outer shell of a resulting embryo shortly before transferring it into the uterus so it can implant itself more easily, a process called assisted hatching.

    5. Embryo transfer.

    Three days after harvesting your eggs, your doctor will use a thin catheter to insert two or three embryos into your uterus via the vagina. "This is a painless procedure that feels like a Pap smear," explains Sarita Sukhija, medical director at Eterna IVF in Delhi. If genetic diseases are a concern, this step might occur on day five, after lab biopsies have been performed to select the healthiest embryos.

    6. The outcome.

    Your partner (or a friend or a family member) will give you daily injections of progesterone, a hormone that aids implantation, in the buttocks. In two weeks, you'll take a pregnancy test at the clinic; someone there will call to give you the results.

    For More Info Click Here Fertility clinics delhi