Top 10 Myth About Surrogacy | Guide to Surrogacy World

Fact and Myth About Surrogacy
Surrogacy was legalized in India in 2002 and since then has been accepted widely throughout. Many fertility clinics and centers offer the option of surrogacy for having a child to women who have undergone hysterectomy or have an incurable disorder of the uterus thereby preventing them to conceive. It is the best available option in cases where Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) fails to conceive a child. Surrogacy is perceived to be a bad practice because of some irrational views. Below are the some of the myths related to surrogacy.
Surrogacy is Modern Prostitution
1.   Surrogacy is supposed to be a modern form of prostitution.

Most of the people regard surrogacy next to prostitution and are full of contempt by the very name. They consider it to be something very disgusting and against the laws of nature.

Surrogate Child

2. The child through a surrogate mother is not the biological child of the parents.
People live in an illusion that the mother who delivers the child is the biological mother but this is not the scenario. If a couple wants their own biological child, the gametes from the couple are fertilized artificially and the zygote is transferred into the mother’s womb. Hence, genetically the child is the biological offspring and will have the characteristics of the parents only.

Surrogacy For Money
3. The surrogate mother is helping just for money and surrogacy is a business for her.

The woman who is lending her womb to help someone need not necessarily be doing it just for money. There is a sincere desire in most women to help those who cannot conceive and give them an opportunity to enjoy motherhood.

Surrogate Mother
4. The surrogate mother may keep the child with her.

It is true that the surrogate mother will develop some amount of attachment with the child but will never keep it with her. She is willing to deliver the child of the desired parents under no one’s pressure and understands that she is just the medium of giving birth to the baby. Most of the surrogate mothers are married and have their own families.

Surrogacy Problems
5. Only a relative/acquaintance is reliable of becoming a surrogate mother.

Most of the couples want that the surrogate mother should be someone who is known or related to them and is not a stranger. But choosing a relative for surrogacy is more likely to create problems rather than choosing a stranger. The agencies which provide surrogate mothers ensure that the woman belongs to a decent background and is trustworthy.

Surrogacy and Confidentiality
6. The identity of the surrogate mother or the patients is leaked.

Whatever infertility centre you apply to, it makes sure that the identity of the patient as well as the surrogate mother is kept confidential. By no means, the identity is ever disclosed to anyone.

Surrogacy Only For Rich Peoples
7. Surrogacy is an option only for the rich people.

Surrogacy is indeed an expensive resort of having a baby but the costs are negotiable. Not only the upper class but the middle class can also reap the benefits of this practice.

Legal Issues
8. Many legal formalities are involved in the procedure of surrogacy.

Surrogacy has hardly any legal hassles. Once the contract between the patient and the surrogate mother is signed, there are no other formalities.

Intercourse With Surrogate Mother
9. Intercourse between the surrogate mother and desired father of the child is necessary.

Advancement in medical science has invented techniques by means of which the male and female gametes can be fertilized in vitro (IVF) and the blastocyst can be transferred into the surrogate mother’s uterus. Hence intercourse is not at all needed.

Surrogate Mother
10. The child born through a surrogate mother may be disabled.

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Anonymous said...

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